GmbH, Industriepark 305, 78244 Gottmadingen, Germany +49 7731 912 84 00 | Fax +49 7731 912 84 01 GmbH



Seraglob FCS

Serum is the fraction of blood remaining after coagulation and centrifugation of the cellular parts. It provides an extreme complex mixture of plasma proteins, growth factors, hormones etc. that makes it the commonly used supplement in cell culture. Components may vary according to origin, nutritive conditions and processing.

With our trademark “Seraglob” supply is guaranteed. Our Fetal Bovine Sera (FBD) from South America, South Africa, Europe and Australia cover world wide requests.

Our Label

All our sera products can be found at our label’s website

We also distribute brand sera by Merck Biochrom Berlin, Biowest and PAN Biotech.